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«Военный сборник» (Voennyi sbornik) – российский военный научный журнал.

E-ISSN 2409-1707

Периодичность – 2 раза в год.
Издается с 1858 года.

Number 1. (in 1 part) December 20, 2013

1. Vladimir I. Afanasenko
“Cadres Decide Everything!” (on the Issue of the Quality of the High Command of the WPRA (Workers and Peasants' Red Army) and Wermacht in the Battles in the Big Bend of the River Don in 1942-1943)

Voennyi Sbornik, 2013, № 2, pp. 64-73.

In 1942-1943, the southern wing of the Soviet-German front saw frequent changes in front and army commanders. Over a hundred displacements, appointments, and transfers within a few months. What were the causes behind this commander “leapfrog”? This article examines the operative-strategic level issues related to the quality of WPRA generalship. Through the biographies of 43 WPRA generals who were in command of the armies and fronts in the battles in the big bend of the River Don in 1942-1943, their professional education, combat experience from World War I (1914-1918) and the Civil War (1917-1921), the article investigates the issues related to the formation of Soviet generalship in the most critical, turning-point period of the Great Patriotic War in the most important sector of the Soviet-German front. For comparison, the author also furnishes data on their opponents – German generals and field-marshals – in this very sector of their uncompromising showdown.

URL: http://ejournal6.com/journals_n/1390714572.pdf
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2. Aleksandr A. Cherkasov, Michal Šmigeľ
The Civil War in Kuban and the Black Sea Region (1917-1922): A Historiographic Overview

Voennyi Sbornik, 2013, № 2, pp. 74-94.

This article presents a historiographic overview of a civil war in the South of Russia, more specifically in the territory of Kuban and the Black Sea region. The authors argue for an expanded periodization of this civil war – from 1917 to 1922, i.e. from the October coup of 1917 to the calling off of the state of siege by the Bolsheviks in December 1922. The authors mark a periodization of research into the civil war starting from 1920 to the present day.

URL: http://ejournal6.com/journals_n/1390714677.pdf
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3. Kent R. Crawford, Nicholas W. Mitiukov
The British – Italian Performance in the Mediterranean From the Artillery Perspective

Voennyi Sbornik, 2013, № 2, pp. 95-102.

During the Second World War, the course of the naval conflict in the Mediterranean can be reduced to battles between the British and Italian fleets. Three years of operations against the Royal Navy only produced one more or less significant victory for the Italians, who enjoyed a considerable numerical superiority in this, their main theatre of operations, while the priority for Britain was minor or even third-hand! And most of the engagements, as a rule, ended with the Italian forces retiring as fast as possible.

URL: http://ejournal6.com/journals_n/1390714783.pdf
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4. Aleksandr V. Glushko, Natal'ya I. Shilo
“Clear the Woods the Thugs are Hiding in With Poisonous, Asphyxiating, Gases …”: Myths and Facts about the Tambov Uprising

Voennyi Sbornik, 2013, № 2, pp. 103-125.

This article examines the events related to the suppression of an Anti-Soviet peasant rebellion in Tambov Governorate (“Antonovshchina”) in the summer of 1921 in the context of a use of chemical weapons against the rebels. Based on new archive documents and little-known works by Soviet and foreign military chemists, the article examines the process of making decisions on the use of chemical weapons, preparations for a chemic attack, issues related to tactics, and the composition of toxic substances in ammunition. The article concludes that in the course of preparations and the use of chemical weapons all conditions providing for the success of such operations were violated. More specifically, the use of gas cylinders amidst the increased complexity of objectives set proved impossible using the resources on hand due to the unpreparedness of the military personnel and an admittedly insufficient quantity of ammunition. Besides, shelling using chemical shells proved ineffective due to a lack of training with the artillery personnel and insufficient expenditure of ammunition. And finally, shells shipped over to Tambov Governorate were intended for putting the opponent out of action – not for physically destroying the opponent, since their combat effect was intended to be triggered through a lachrymatory effect toxic substance. In the end, the author draws a conclusion about the impossibility of an effective use of chemical weapons and, all the more so, impossibility of having human victims. Its use was of a one-off nature and was not the decisive factor for the elimination of the rebellion.

URL: http://ejournal6.com/journals_n/1390714894.pdf
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5. Il'ya A. Kovalev
Junior Members of the House of Romanov at the Fronts of World War I

Voennyi Sbornik, 2013, № 2, pp. 126-133.

This article reconstructs the story of military service by members of the Russian Imperial House serving with field troops on the front line based on published and unpublished archive information, memoirs of White emigrants, and publications of veteran emigration associations.

URL: http://ejournal6.com/journals_n/1390714962.pdf
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6. Evgeny F. Krinko
Seizure of Maikop by the Wehrmacht (August 9–10, 1942)

Voennyi Sbornik, 2013, № 2, pp. 134-145.

In the summer of 1942, the Wehrmacht took hold of a large share of North Caucasus towns. This article is dedicated to the seizure of the town of Maikop by German troops within two days – August 9 and 10. It is written based on a number of archive documents and publications of recent years, as well as the reminiscences of participants in and witnesses to these events, including testimonies personally recorded by the author. This information made it possible to not just trace the course of events but assess the way they were perceived by the very residents of the area. The reasons behind such a quick seizure of Maikop are in large measure associated with the course of development of events in the southern sector of the Soviet-German front and the military-technical superiority of the advancing Wehrmacht troops in the course of the second summer campaign of the Great Patriotic War. The Red Army’s rifle divisions and brigades weakened in previous battles were unable to withstand the onslaught of the opponent’s tank and mechanized formations. The town’s unpreparedness to mount a serious defense, a lack of coordination in the actions of the army command and local leadership took the toll. No small part in the seizure of Maikop was played by German diversionists from the “Brandenburg” special-purpose regiment, who managed to sow disarray in the actions of the town’s defenders. The sudden occupation of Maikop proved a tragedy for most of its residents.

URL: http://ejournal6.com/journals_n/1390715021.pdf
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7. Roman V. Lapshin
The Death of an Old Enemy. Cruiser "Niitaka" End

Voennyi Sbornik, 2013, № 2, pp. 146-150.

The paper presents a biography of the Japanese cruiser «Niitaka», an active participant in the Russian-Japanese war. There was reconstructed the end of her career, the death of a typhoon in August 1922.

URL: http://ejournal6.com/journals_n/1390715082.pdf
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8. Irina G. Tazhidinova
The Features of Family Relations in Terms of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945

Voennyi Sbornik, 2013, № 2, pp. 151-162.

The article presents the experience of reconstruction relations Red Army soldiers and their relatives on the basis of private correspondence. The documents of private origin, which were published in the last decade, and epistolary sources from Russia Archives are used as a source base. The sources, that contain personal experience of the war, make it possible emotional experience of combatants and their families (parents, wives, children), the basic problems of family relations in wartime (moral, financial, material). This article discusses the nature and content of the written communication with relatives in the Red Army, 1941-1945.

URL: http://ejournal6.com/journals_n/1390715138.pdf
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9. Amiran T. Urushadze
The Caucasian War in the Writings of D.A. Milyutin

Voennyi Sbornik, 2013, № 2, pp. 163-168.

This article examines two works by D.A. Milyutin. These works are dedicated to the Caucasian War but were written at different times. In analyzing the works, we can trace the formation of D.A. Milyutin’s strategic views of the issue of “conciliating the Caucasus”. The writings examined are explored in the context of the circumstances that led to their creation and against the background of the development of the author’s career.

URL: http://ejournal6.com/journals_n/1390715198.pdf
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URL: http://ejournal6.com/journals_n/1390715259.pdf
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