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«Военный сборник» (Voennyi sbornik) – российский военный научный журнал.

E-ISSN 2409-1707

Периодичность – 2 раза в год.
Издается с 1858 года.

Number 1. (in 1 part) June 15, 2014

Articles and Statements

1. Alexander P. Abramov
Socio-Historical Outline of Soviet-era Model for Further Officers Training in the System of Military Education

The article reveals historic genesis and dialectic specialized military education of the Soviet-era as a space for educational strategies of further officers’ training. Such matrix is a basic ground, which complies trainee’s cult, his knowledge, skills and abilities.

URL: http://ejournal6.com/journals_n/1404051870.pdf
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2. Timofei E. Dolgopolov
Remarks by Special Operations Soldier

These remarks by a former solder of a special task unit Dolgopolov Timifey Eliseevich were published for the first time. The remarks were made during a long interview on February 16, 2001. The solder remembered episodes while ensuring security during Teheran Conference, military operations on occupied territory, the end of World War 2.

URL: http://ejournal6.com/journals_n/1404051926.pdf
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3. Zvonimir Freivogel
From Glasgow to Genoa under three flags – the Yugoslav flotilla leader Dubrovnik

Royal Yugoslav Navy followed the tradition of the Austro-Hungarian Navy, but was missing modern warships, and her first new acquisition was the powerful destroyer-leader Dubrovnik, built in Great Britain. Two envisaged sister-ships were not built, and the single ship served before the war mostly to „show the flag“. She remained inactive in 1941 during the short „April War“, and was captured by the Italians, to serve under the name Premuda until summer of 1943. After being captured by the Germans, she received a new designation TA 32, she took part in several operations in the Ligurian Sea, to be scuttled at Genoa in 1945 during the German withdrawal.

URL: http://ejournal6.com/journals_n/1404051978.pdf
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4. Kent R. Crawford, Nicholas W. Mitiukov, Patrick McSherry
An Estimation of the Pneumatic Gun's Effectiveness

The paper presents a critical analysis of 19th Century pneumatic naval guns, based on a simple simulated model. Based on documentation available, the authors were able to ascertain the parameters that could be used to characterize the effectiveness of the pneumatic guns. In the process, some errors in previous literature were found.

URL: http://ejournal6.com/journals_n/1404052058.pdf
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5. Aleksandr V. Glushko, Natal'ya I. Shilo
“Clear the Woods the Thugs are Hiding in With Poisonous, Asphyxiating, Gases…”: Myths and Facts about the Tambov Uprising (Ending)

This article examines the events related to the suppression of an Anti-Soviet peasant rebellion in Tambov Governorate (“Antonovshchina”) in the summer of 1921 in the context of a use of chemical weapons against the rebels. Based on new archive documents and little-known works by Soviet and foreign military chemists, the article examines the process of making decisions on the use of chemical weapons, preparations for a chemic attack, issues related to tactics, and the composition of toxic substances in ammunition. The article concludes that in the course of preparations and the use of chemical weapons all conditions providing for the success of such operations were violated. More specifically, the use of gas cylinders amidst the increased complexity of objectives set proved impossible using the resources on hand due to the unpreparedness of the military personnel and an admittedly insufficient quantity of ammunition. Besides, shelling using chemical shells proved ineffective due to a lack of training with the artillery personnel and insufficient expenditure of ammunition. And finally, shells shipped over to Tambov Governorate were intended for putting the opponent out of action – not for physically destroying the opponent, since their combat effect was intended to be triggered through a lachrymatory effect toxic substance. In the end, the author draws a conclusion about the impossibility of an effective use of chemical weapons and, all the more so, impossibility of having human victims. Its use was of a one-off nature and was not the decisive factor for the elimination of the rebellion.

URL: http://ejournal6.com/journals_n/1404052148.pdf
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6. Nataliya N. Koroteeva
The Governmental Regulation of Medical Provision for Russian Army from 18 Till the Middle of 19 Century

In the article the procedure of medical supply of Russian army from 18 till the middle of 19 century was viewed. Special attention was paid to the governmental regulation of medical provision for military subdivisions. The roots go back to Chemistry department – the first agency of medical regulation in the Russian nation. Its functions included the medical supply of military subdivisions with medical means and its distribution. During the reign of Peter the first the foundation of military chemistry was based. The principals were connected with the need of regular supply of the army and hospitals by medicines due to frequent wars. Military pharmaceutical net was represented by drug stores, controlled by Chemistry Department in the beginning of the 18 century. Then it was the section of state medical provision by Ministry of Home Affairs. The Stores were divided into state, hospital and in-the-field, depending on their purpose and functions of medical supply. Organizational and technical Arrangements of medical regulation were stated in details. The purposes of different types of chemist’s were also taken up. The author considered the legislative basis and archival sources, found the leading role of the government in management of pharmaceutical supply of armed forces. Organizing and controlling government functions were determined by the special way of business management. It included the possibility of hygiene infractions, also abuse of authority and overdoses.

URL: http://ejournal6.com/journals_n/1404052211.pdf
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Foreign Military Review

7. Olga V. Natolochnaya, Aleksandr A. Cherkasov
The Analysis of Special Operations Forces Activities in the World

Special Forces specialize in counter-terrorism, reconnaissance and sabotage and have the honor of being the most elite among the forces. They undergo extremely rigorous training for years sometimes, before they are ready and when they are done with the training, they can be easily classified as among the toughest and most competent men in the military. The article presents the analysis of the activities of the best Special Forces around the world.

URL: http://ejournal6.com/journals_n/1404052292.pdf
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full number
URL: http://ejournal6.com/journals_n/1404052315.pdf
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