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«Военный сборник» (Voennyi sbornik) - Russian military scientific journal.

E-ISSN 2409-1707

Publication frequency – issued 2 times a year.
Issued from 1858.

2 September 27, 2022


1. Aleksandr A. Cherkasov
In Memory of Semen Agafonovich Cherkasov (1897–1941): The Fate of One Marching Reinforcement

Voennyi Sbornik. 2022. 10(2): 57-77.
DOI: 10.13187/vs.2022.2.57CrossRef

The study attempts to restore the combat path of the soldier Semen Agafonovich Cherkasov during the Second World War. Semen Agafonovich was a representative of the old Cherkasov family from Keret and was a participant of the Shlisselburg landing on November 28, 1941. There were used as a source the documents of the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense (Podolsk, Russian Federation). Among the documents used the list of Red Army soldiers of the marching company sent on October 29, 1941 from the 78th reserve rifle regiment to the active army – to the 80th rifle division of the Leningrad Front is of particular importance. In conclusion, the author states that the marching company, which left on October 29, 1941 from the location of the 78th reserve rifle Regiment consisting of 85 people, was sent to the Berezovka area at the disposal of the headquarters of the 80th Rifle Division. On November 1, 1941, the marching company arrived in the 80th Rifle Division, and was sent to replenish the 153rd Rifle regiment. From November 1 to November 20, the servicemen underwent combat training, during this time 2 servicemen from the former marching company fell ill and were sent to the hospital. During the offensive on November 28, 1941 8 people from the marching company were wounded and hospitalized. Another 4 people were wounded, but the dates of the injury have not been preserved, which can be indirectly judged by the continuation of service after being wounded in other units. 16 people survived and continued their service after the offensive on November 28, 7 people died on November 28. All the rest – 48 people became missing during the offensive on November 28, 1941, and among them a native of the village of Keret Semen Agafonovich Cherkasov.

URL: https://vs.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1666275021.pdf
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2. Nicholas W. Mitiukov
Barges and Praams of the Baltic Fleet in 1934–1940

Voennyi Sbornik. 2022. 10(2): 78-88.
DOI: 10.13187/vs.2022.2.78CrossRef

Barges and praams of the Baltic Fleet have not yet been the object of targeted research. Basically, the biographies of barges converted from warships are written in the works, but even they contain serious gaps. And ordinary barges of special construction are considered by the authors only sporadically, which does not give a complete picture of their operation. During their biography, the barges were renumbered several times, which seriously complicates the reconstruction of their biographies. The purpose of this work is to reconstruct the biographies of barges and praams of the Baltic Fleet in the period from 1934 to 1940 based on the lists of ships in the funds of the RGA of the Navy. The analysis carried out showed that the available literature does not mention the renaming of barges and praams, which took place in December 1940. Obviously, the information of this order is introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. The bulk of the ships of the Baltic Fleet was built in the 1850–1860s. To disguise their true age, the documentation contains a phrase about an indeterminate pre-revolutionary building. The floating facilities of the Baltic Fleet, despite their advanced age, were operated quite carefully, which is confirmed by a small percentage of decommissioned ships in the chronological framework under consideration, as well as the fact that most of them underwent major repairs during this period. From which it can be assumed that many of the barges and praams that were in service by the beginning of the Great Patriotic War most likely survived the war and were operated until the 1950s.

URL: https://vs.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1667477765.pdf
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3. Konstantin V. Taran
The Defense of Krasnodar City by Units of the 56th Army of the North Caucasian Front (August 7–11, 1942)

Voennyi Sbornik. 2022. 10(2): 89-100.
DOI: 10.13187/vs.2022.2.89CrossRef

This study examines the combat operations of units and formations of the 56th Army of the North Caucasian Front on the Krasnodar defensive bypass and outside the Krasnodar city in August 1942. There were used as sources and materials the archival documents of the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, collections of archival documents, as well as studies by Soviet, Russian and foreign authors. The author comes to the conclusion that the defence of the Krasnodar city was carried out mainly by the regiments (35th, 71st, 256th) of the 30th Infantry Division of the 56th Army of the North Caucasian Front, which inflicted the significant losses in manpower and equipment on the Wehrmacht troops. The withdrawal from the Krasnodar defensive bypass and from the Krasnodar city of the 339th, 349th and 30th rifle divisions was carried out taking into account the offensive of the German troops, who on August 10, 1942 captured the Maikop city. By withdrawing units of the 56th Army from Krasnodar to the left bank of the Kuban River, the headquarters of the North Caucasian Front prevented the encirclement of Soviet troops.

URL: https://vs.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1667477806.pdf
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4. Vladimir I. Afanasenko
Don Cossacks in the Defense of Tuapse in September-October 1942

Voennyi Sbornik. 2022. 10(2): 101-111.
DOI: 10.13187/vs.2022.2.101CrossRef

The participation of the Don volunteer Cossack cavalry divisions in the Tuapse front-line defensive operation in September-October 1942 is a little-studied issue. The enemy sought to seize the Novorossiysk and Tuapse ports of the Black Sea in order to deprive the Black Sea Fleet of its military bases and cease to exist, to quickly advance along the coast up to the Turkish border. The natural features of the Western Caucasus, as a theater of hostilities, had a certain influence on the tactics of hostilities of the warring parties. For a quick exit to Novorossiysk and Tuapse, the German command used mountain and light jaeger divisions, designed for “maneuver warfare” on rough terrain with an underdeveloped network of roads and for this they had special weapons and a large number of light horse-drawn carts and special equipment for personnel. Special mountain artillery, machine guns, company, battalion and regimental mortars were massively used. The use of heavy artillery and tanks in the Tuapse direction was limited due to the rugged terrain and insufficient road network. The combat experience of the Cossacks participating in the First World War and the Civil War in the Caucasus and the Carpathians in the creation of mountain pack detachments for the supply of ammunition, food, for the evacuation of wounded comrades, in the organization of guard pickets and strongholds on commanding heights, continuous reconnaissance of enemy forces and means. The 11th and 12th Don Guards Cossack Volunteer Cavalry Divisions during the Tuapse defensive operation played a decisive role in disrupting the Attica operation planned by the General Staff of the German Ground Forces in September-November 1942. This article is the beginning of a study of this topic.

URL: https://vs.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1671532378.pdf
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5. Daria A. Korepanova
Generalized Mathematical Model of Internal Ballistics of Pyrotechnic Systems

Voennyi Sbornik. 2022. 10(2): 112-120.
DOI: 10.13187/vs.2022.2.112CrossRef

Pyrotechnic installations using the combustion energy of a powder charge and powder pressure accumulators are widely used in special devices used by law enforcement agencies and in production. In addition to single-acting automation elements, pyrotechnic devices are used to create pyrocommunications, as well as moderators and timers. Auxiliary systems are known, for example, pyrotechnic cutters and heaters. In the literature, each type of these devices is characterized by its specific mathematical model, taking into account the characteristics of each device. The paper analyzes three types of mathematical models: the author's model of the internal ballistics of an underbarrel grenade launcher, which received state registration, as well as the internal ballistics model of cannon artillery and the internal ballistics of a rapid-firing aircraft gun. The main approaches to the formation of a complex model are formulated.

URL: https://vs.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1672262433.pdf
Number of views: 94      Download in PDF

6. Daria A. Korepanova, Nikolay V. Mityukov
Calculation at the Early Stages of Designing the Exit of the Rocket from the Transport and Launch Container

Voennyi Sbornik. 2022. 10(2): 121-127.
DOI: 10.13187/vs.2022.2.121CrossRef

Recent combat experience shows an increase in the proportion of missiles fired from transport and launch containers, which are already used even for unmanned aerial vehicles and for missiles that put micro and nanosatellites into orbit. Obviously, in the future, the proportion of products fired from the container will only increase. The paper shows that for calculating the exit of a rocket from a transport-launch container at the early stages of design, the technique used to calculate the internal ballistics of a bullet or projectile with little adaptation to this task is quite applicable. First, it is necessary to take into account the expelling charge fuel (the corresponding combustion law S(e) and the combustion rate de/dt). Secondly, to take into account the deformation of the walls (in the first approximation, at least as a long thin-walled pipe) and thirdly, to calculate the axial overload, since it is one of the main limitations in the terms of reference. The selection of the number of checkers of the expelling charge was made, for the test example the optimal value turned out to be equal to six checkers.

URL: https://vs.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1672262558.pdf
Number of views: 82      Download in PDF

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URL: https://vs.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1672262576.pdf
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