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«Военный сборник» (Voennyi sbornik) - Russian military scientific journal.

E-ISSN 2409-1707

Publication frequency – issued 2 times a year.
Issued from 1858.

2 December 19, 2024


1. Nicholas W. Mitiukov
The Boat “Aztec”/”Guardián”/”Agramonte”

Voennyi Sbornik. 2024. 12(2): 52-69.
DOI: 10.13187/vs.2024.2.52CrossRef

The boat "Aztec"/"Guardián"/"Agramonte" played a rather significant role in the history of Cuba and is often mentioned on the pages of publications dedicated to the Spanish-American War. But these references are usually one-sided, saying nothing more than the fact of the vessel's existence. Because of this, there is still no detailed biography of it. Based on data from American and Spanish newspapers, the work reconstructs the biography of the yacht "Aztec", which became the gunboat "Guardián" in the Spanish fleet. Since the vessel was radically rebuilt at least three times (at the time of construction, in 1893 and in 1895), it significantly changed its characteristics, which is why there are different versions. On July 1, 1894, "Aztec" sank as a result of an accident, the ingress of seawater into the boiler and engine contributed to difficulties in their further operation. But if the boiler was replaced in 1896, then the problems with the engine affected during the Spanish-American War, forcing the vessel to be used as a pontoon. The fact of the vessel's disarmament during the war led to its return to the previous owner as "non-combatant".

URL: https://vs.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1734636907.pdf
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2. Semyon N. Gonta, Nikolai A. Ivanov
The Appearance and Combat Use of Kamikaze Boats during the World War II (1939–1945)

Voennyi Sbornik. 2024. 12(2): 70-80.
DOI: 10.13187/vs.2024.2.70CrossRef

This article is devoted to studying the history of the development and combat use of kamikaze boats during the World War II. The authors, using the example of 3 countries (Italy, Japan and Israel), consider the historical aspects of the use of kamikaze boats in their navies. The research methodology is represented by both general scientific and special historical research methods. The structure of the work consists of three main sections (“Italian kamikaze boats MT (“Motoscafo da Turismo”)”, “The use of Italian kamikaze boats by Israeli naval forces during the first Arab-Israeli conflict (1947–1949)”, “Japanese kamikaze boats “Shinyo” "(震洋)"), each of which discusses aspects of the use of kamikaze boats. The work is also accompanied by a large body of photographic materials. In conclusion, the authors draw conclusions about the effectiveness of the use of kamikaze boats in the navies of Italy, Japan and Israel.

URL: https://vs.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1734637178.pdf
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3. Konstantin V. Taran
The Combat Operations of the Soviet Consolidated Detachment of the 18th Army of Colonel V.A. Sledov (August 11-15, 1942)

Voennyi Sbornik. 2024. 12(2): 81-90.
DOI: 10.13187/vs.2024.2.81CrossRef

This article examines the combat operations of the combined detachment of the 18th Army under the command of Colonel V.A. Sledov, who for five days (from August 11 to August 15, 1942) held back the offensive of the German troops of the 60th motorized regiment of the 16th motorized Division of the 3rd Tank Corps of the 1st Tank Army in the western direction with the aim of encircling parts of the North Caucasian Front. The documents of the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (Podolsk, Russian Federation) posted on the portal "Memory of the People" were used as sources (pamyat-naroda.ru), materials published in the collection of documents "The North Caucasian Front in the Battle for the Caucasus". In conclusion, the author concludes that the combined detachment of the 18th Army under the command of Colonel V.A. Sledov managed to contain the offensive of the German 60th motorized regiment for five days in August 1942, which made it possible to timely withdraw the troops of the North Caucasian Front from the outlined encirclement and occupy defensive lines in the northern spurs of the Main Caucasian the ridge.

URL: https://vs.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1735130203.pdf
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4. Semyon N. Gonta
Formation, Combat Path and Characteristics of the 41st Separate Rifle (Sukhumi) Division of the Internal Troops of the NKVD of the USSR (September 1942 – April 1943)

Voennyi Sbornik. 2024. 12(2): 91-104.
DOI: 10.13187/vs.2024.2.91CrossRef

This article is devoted to the study of the functioning of the Sukhumi division of the internal troops of the NKVD of the USSR in the period from September 1942 to April 1943. As research materials, this work uses various documents from the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The author provides detailed information about the creation of the division in September 1942 and its subsequent transfer to Kuban, where the division's forces actively participated in the fighting in the area of the village of Svistelnikov. Also, a significant part of the work is devoted to the characteristics of the units and personnel included in the division, which provides data on losses incurred, individual fighters, the number of recipients and other data. The research methodology is represented by both general scientific and special historical research methods. The article is divided into 3 thematic sections (“Formation of the division in September 1942. Protection of the Black Sea coast and transfer to the north from February 13, 1943”, “Offensive actions from the end of March to the end of April 1943” and “Characteristics of the personnel and members of the division units"), each of which analyzes individual aspects of the formation of the division, its combat path and the characteristics of the division's units. In conclusion, the author draws conclusions about the combat effectiveness of the Sukhumi division and its condition after heavy fighting in the area of the settlement of Svistelnikov.

URL: https://vs.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1734637416.pdf
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URL: https://vs.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1735130213.pdf
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