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«Военный сборник» (Voennyi sbornik) - Russian military scientific journal.

E-ISSN 2409-1707

Publication frequency – issued 2 times a year.
Issued from 1858.

2 June 02, 2016

Articles and Statements

1. Alexander P. Abramov
Social Security, Cash Payments and Awards to Servicemen of the Red Army Air Force in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945

Voennyi Sbornik, 2016, Vol.(12), Is. 2, pp. 52-64.
DOI: 10.13187/vs.2016.12.52CrossRef

On the basis of the historical and sociological material presented materials about the Soviet state measures during the Great Patriotic War for the implementation of social policy in respect of the military air force of the Red Army, expressed in monetary incentives, rewards and social guarantees. The author notes that the implementation of social management practices at each stage of warfare timely adjustments depending on acquired combat experience and the strategic objectives of war. Existing wartime monetary awards system and social guarantees in respect of the personnel of the Red Army Air Force was not a major, but significant moral incentive for both pilots, as for representatives of other arms and services.

URL: http://ejournal6.com/journals_n/1464525570.pdf
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2. Mamuka Gogitidze, Iya Shiukashvili
To the Issue on the History of the Cadet Corps in Tiflis

Voennyi Sbornik, 2016, Vol.(12), Is. 2, pp. 65-71.
DOI: 10.13187/vs.2016.12.65CrossRef

The article discusses the issue of organizing in Tiflis the cadet corps. The Tiflis cadet corps was founded in 1882 year on the basis of the military school that existed in Tbilisi since 1875 year. In 1827, the officers and officials who served in the Caucasus, presented a petition to Nicholas I on the establishment in the city of Tiflis cadet corps in 150 children. The authors note that a serious problem to a certain extent, affect the quality of teaching cadets, the housing problem. Housing in Tiflis at that time very little was built. It was very difficult to find an apartment in the city on the take-out money for these purposes. The only solution to this problem was to increase salaries to pay for housing. This was done by Layminga recommendations.

URL: http://ejournal6.com/journals_n/1464525682.pdf
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3. Yuri F. Katorin
Reference to Galery

Voennyi Sbornik, 2016, Vol.(12), Is. 2, pp. 72-78.
DOI: 10.13187/vs.2016.12.72CrossRef

In the article it is told about some aspects of the application of military rowing vessels, composition and rules the formation of the command of rowers, special features of the organization of their work on bringing of ship into the motion, is analyzed the influence of the practice of use reference to gallery of the condemned criminals to entire legislation of this country.

URL: http://ejournal6.com/journals_n/1464525759.pdf
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4. Artyom Y. Peretyatko
The Militärgrenze from the Battle of Solferino before the Beginning of Demilitarization: Three Views out of Russia (F. F. Tornau, N.I. Krasnov, B. Katalinich). Part I

Voennyi Sbornik, 2016, Vol.(12), Is. 2, pp. 79-99.
DOI: 10.13187/vs.2016.12.79CrossRef

The article is analyzed the report of the Russian agent in Vienna F.F. Tornau about the situation in the Militärgrenze in 1864, and based on it the report of the officer of the General Staff N.I. Krasnov about the financial ineffectiveness of irregular troops. The author concludes that by 1864 the Austrian Government understood the need for reform of the Militärgrenze. A opposite view, common in Russian historiography, based on incomplete information and is not quite correct. The article also shows that N.I. Krasnov first pointed to the similarity of processes at the Militärgrenze, and in the Don Host Oblast in 1860.

URL: http://ejournal6.com/journals_n/1464525805.pdf
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5. V.N. Pryamitsyn, V.A. Drabinko, V. I. Zhumatiy
Influence of Difficult Meteorological Conditions on the Landing (on the example of Landing on Cape Pikshuev in April–May 1942)

Voennyi Sbornik, 2016, Vol.(12), Is. 2, pp. 100-108.
DOI: 10.13187/vs.2016.12.100CrossRef

Article is dedicated to landing to Pikshuiy cape in April – May 1942. The article is described the preparation for it, stated problems, forces and facilities, and also motion of debarkation, the influence of severe weather conditions on the results of landing operation especially in detail is examined. The authors note that the tragedy played at Cape Piksaev was made possible due to the lack of attention of the command of the fleet to the weather, as an important element of the theatre, and the rear of miscalculations in the preparation of units, advancing from the occupied bridgehead on the land direction, to act in complex meteorological conditions. In the preparation of the landing was a violation of the requirements of a number of guidance documents.

URL: http://ejournal6.com/journals_n/1464525901.pdf
Number of views: 2018      Download in PDF

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URL: http://ejournal6.com/journals_n/1464525962.pdf
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