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«Военный сборник» (Voennyi sbornik) – российский военный научный журнал.

E-ISSN 2409-1707

Периодичность – 2 раза в год.
Издается с 1858 года.

2 December 25, 2018

Articles and Statements

1. Valery P. Kalinitchenko, George S. Larin
Intra-Soil Demining Humanitarian System for Compulsory Blasting of Mines

Voennyi Sbornik, 2018, 6(2): 45-67.
DOI: 10.13187/vs.2018.2.45CrossRef

The global humanitarian problem of mine clearance is unsatisfactorily resolving by the world community. The intra-soil system is proposed for mine clearing by compulsory blasting. The system consists of a group of demining devices. The grouping of demining devices is based on transportation unit. The demining device consists of the flat vertical frame of two segments, is supplied with reducer, drive with power block, control unit, transport hitch with pins, electro-mechanical sensor of transportation unit manipulator position. Segments of a frame are connected among themselves by spigot connection. On the forward segment of a frame are installed rotor gear chisel which contains a disk of chisel, ring chisel, basic and aligning gear wheels. On a back segment of a frame is mounted the vertical positioning wheel of a drive. Ring chisel is supplied with the cutting bodies directed to an external surface of a ring chisel. Transport unit comprises a manipulator for every demining device. Manipulator is equipped with seizure. With the help of the manipulator a device is brought into the operating position, and returned to the transport position. The transport unit is provided with stops that fix the device in the transport position. The device in the operating position is almost completely submerged in the soil and moves through a minefield, cutting the gap in the soil. When on the course of device there is a mine, the teeth of ring chisel pull the mine out from an installation site, eject forward and mechanically trigger the detonator of mine. According to the operation time of detonator the mine blasts. After the blow form the ring chisel the mine flies away forward and up till blasting. The explosion center is at a distance from the device, weakens the impact of a shock wave on the device and reduces a probability of its damage in result of mine blasting. The metal and energy consumption of device is low, the factor of mine clearing high, the system is reliable. Technology has a triple purpose – a) robotics, b) deserted mine clearance, c) favorable prerequisites for further humanitarian use of the area for recreational and agricultural purposes.

URL: http://ejournal6.com/journals_n/1547466401.pdf
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2. Yuri F. Katorin
The Last Naval Battle in European Waters

Voennyi Sbornik, 2018, 6(2): 68-82.
DOI: 10.13187/vs.2018.2.68CrossRef

This article will tell you about the last sea battle in European waters during the Second world war – the battle of the North Cape, between the German Battleship «Sharhorst» and the British Squadron, led by the battleship «Duke of York», described the progress of the battle, provides a balance of power and the loss of the parties, as well as the specifications of all vehicles, participants of the battle, analyzed errors of the German naval command, which led to the destruction of the German ship, the estimated impact of this event on the general situation in the Northern Theater of operations.

URL: http://ejournal6.com/journals_n/1547055982.pdf
Number of views: 1516      Download in PDF

3. Dmitry W. Matveev
Vessels of the Votkinsk Plant as part of the Aral Flotilla

Voennyi Sbornik, 2018, 6(2): 83-94.
DOI: 10.13187/vs.2018.2.83CrossRef

The Aral military flotilla has had a significant impact on the military-political history of the Aral Sea basin almost from its inception. In the future, the flotilla significantly increased ship structure, actually creating a base for the capture of the Khiva khanate. In total, there were 6 steamboats, a dock, 10 self-propelled barges and 50 other watercrafts in the Aral military flotilla. A steamship, six non-self-propelled barges and 34 watercrafts were built at the Votkinsk plant, which is about two-thirds of the total, and testifies to the significant contribution of the plant to the creation of the Aral Flotilla. At the same time, it failed to fully realize its tasks due to the extremely difficult, difficult and opposite conditions of navigation of the Aral Sea, the Syr Darya and Amu Darya rivers. The technical unpreparedness of the vessels affected, essentially new watercrafts were required. Such a question as the technical component of the Aral flotilla is not sufficiently consecrated.

URL: http://ejournal6.com/journals_n/1547056031.pdf
Number of views: 1147      Download in PDF

4. Nicholas W. Mitiukov , Anatoly N. Loshkarev, Dmitry V. Matveev
Votkinsk’s Barges for the Baltic Fleet

Voennyi Sbornik, 2018, 6(2): 95-99.
DOI: 10.13187/vs.2018.2.95CrossRef

In the 1850-s and 60-s Votkinsk’s State Plant took part in the program of re-equipment of the floating facilities of the Kronstadt and St. Petersburg military ports. These orders contributed to the technical re-equipment and expansion of the shipbuilding production at the plant, thanks to them the plant survived the reform period relatively painlessly, when state-owned factories went through difficult times. In the course of the work, a comparison was made of the office documentation of the factory documentation and the information of the Ship lists of 1864, 1879, 1881 and 1904. The career of barges of the Baltic fleet of Votkinsk construction was traced. All of them, except for the 90-foot and two 75-foot barges for the Sveaborg fortress, successfully served until 1904 and probably further. In the period 1857-1867 Votkinsk’s plant was able to completely re-equip the technical equipment of the St. Petersburg and Kronstadt ports of the Baltic Fleet, and even in 1904 they accounted for great half of the ships of these ports.

URL: http://ejournal6.com/journals_n/1547056108.pdf
Number of views: 1091      Download in PDF


50th Anniversary of Alejandro Anca Alamillo

Voennyi Sbornik, 2018, 6(2): 100-104.
DOI: 10.13187/vs.2018.2.100CrossRef
URL: http://ejournal6.com/journals_n/1547214397.pdf
Number of views: 1148      Download in PDF

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URL: http://ejournal6.com/journals_n/1547466452.pdf
Number of views: 1179      Download in PDF

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