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«Военный сборник» (Voennyi sbornik) – российский военный научный журнал.

E-ISSN 2409-1707

Периодичность – 2 раза в год.
Издается с 1858 года.

4 December 30, 2016

Articles and Statements

1. Vladimir I. Afanasenko
In Defense of the Southern Borders of Russia and Allied Countries (the Russian Foreign Military Bases on the Black Sea-Caspian Arc of Tension)

Voennyi Sbornik, 2016, Vol.(14), Is. 4, pp. 208-216.
DOI: 10.13187/vs.2016.14.208CrossRef

December 25, 2014, President Vladimir Putin approved a new version of the military doctrine of the Russian Federation, which reflects manifested threat to Russia and its allies because the situation in Ukraine, especially in its south-east, in the Donets Basin; the events in Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan; issues of interaction and cooperation with Abkhazia, South Ossetia, with the CSTO member countries, the BRICS. An important role in the strengthening of the southern borders of the security operate military bases and facilities of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, located in Transnistria, the Caucasus, Syria and Central Asia. Characteristics of these bases and their value in the Black Sea-Caspian arc of tension given in this article.

URL: http://ejournal6.com/journals_n/1483109939.pdf
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2. Alexey Yu. Bezugolniy
“Business, so Important for Hastening the Victory...”: the Collection and Export of the Trophy and a Domestic Weapons and Equipment on the Battlefield in the Big Bend of the Don

Voennyi Sbornik, 2016, Vol.(14), Is. 4, pp. 217-224.
DOI: 10.13187/vs.2016.14.217CrossRef

The article is devoted to active service in the fields of the Battle of Stalingrad and the big bend of the Don special units of the Red Army – the trophy brigades. The first small trophy forming a part of the Red Army appeared in 1941, but at the end of the Battle of Stalingrad for the collection and evacuation from the battlefield unprecedented in scale and the number of the enemy's national military equipment, arms and military equipment required the creation of entire trophy compounds. 1st and 2nd trophy brigades, whose activities are analyzed in the article, mans and special equipment as a residual, and in the course of their combat operation replenish the material part (tractors, trucks) by restoring abandoned on the battlefield motley art. Especially important are the results of work trophy-workers who returned the country tens of thousands of tons of scrap metal, ammunition, thousands of units suitable for the repair of military equipment.

URL: http://ejournal6.com/journals_n/1483109994.pdf
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3. Pavel V. Didov
"Polite People" and Military Meekness: the Attributes of Military Ethics

Voennyi Sbornik, 2016, Vol.(14), Is. 4, pp. 225-234.
DOI: 10.13187/vs.2016.14.225CrossRef

The article analyzes the phenomenon of "polite people" from the point of view of the history and theory of ethical thought. Identify and specify ethical principles that form the basis of military courtesy. On the basis of the revealed regularities, the study proves that ethics is impossible without a certain power attributes, which constitute its core. In relation to the traditions of Russian warriors revealed the key role to their formation of the Orthodox ethics and the military of meekness. The obtained results can serve as material for educational activities for the formation of fighting spirit.

URL: http://ejournal6.com/journals_n/1483110051.pdf
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4. Maxim V. Medvedev
Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict: Problems of Realization of Stability in the Region

Voennyi Sbornik, 2016, Vol.(14), Is. 4, pp. 235-240.
DOI: 10.13187/vs.2016.14.235CrossRef

Analyzing the materials of research publications and information from the media, the author makes an attempt to identify the problems of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The armed conflict ended in 1994 in the process of achieving agreement on a ceasefire between the warring parties, for 20 years, kept tensions in the region. From 2014 to 2016, in Nagorno Karabakh occurred a series of events that violated the balance of a peaceful settlement. The peak of aggravation of the conflict came in April 2016, when for several days the fighting intensified along the line of separation of the warring parties.

URL: http://ejournal6.com/journals_n/1483110517.pdf
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5. Aleksandr F. Mitrofanov
New Russian Combat Small Boats

Voennyi Sbornik, 2016, Vol.(14), Is. 4, pp. 241-251.
DOI: 10.13187/vs.2016.14.241CrossRef

The article presents an overview of small combat boats. The author provides a description and gives an analysis of the characteristics of the boat "Raptor", boat "BK-16", boat "Strizh-4-1 DSh", and assault boat "BK-10".

URL: http://ejournal6.com/journals_n/1483110595.pdf
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6. Sergey G. Shapovalenko
The Analysis of the Service Communication Technology and Automation: Problems and Ways to Improve

Voennyi Sbornik, 2016, Vol.(14), Is. 4, pp. 252-255.
DOI: 10.13187/vs.2016.14.252CrossRef

The article is devoted to the improvement of service connection and automation technology. We consider the basic range of activities carried out in order to maintain communication and automation technology and in good working condition. Approaches perform service operations in the light of the current state of communications technology and automation control.

URL: http://ejournal6.com/journals_n/1483110651.pdf
Number of views: 1809      Download in PDF

full number
URL: http://ejournal6.com/journals_n/1483110693.pdf
Number of views: 1927      Download in PDF

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